Thursday, September 24, 2009

Rain drops are falling on my head!

The post today isn't as happy as previous posts. I got FIRED last friday. I have never been fired before and have felt rather worthless and useless the last few days. I am currently on the hunt for a job so if anyone has any tips please let me know.

In happier news the boys are doing great. Keefe went to Karate today and was so proud of the fact that he has the best balance of the white belts in his class. His instructor was impressed enough to mention it after class. I guess all that jumping around on one foot really paid off!

Went to the Doctor with Kaden today for his 15 month check up. He is healthy as a horse, aside from a small ear infection. He got two shots but took them like a trooper..he always does. He is the bravest happiest little guy! I couldn't ask for a better kid if I tried. Keefe was even impressed with his brother getting shots. He told me he thought Kaden "was very brave, cause when I got shots they had to hold me down. He was very relaxed" How cute is that!

Well that is all for today.