Thursday, July 23, 2009

Swimming at midnight

I love life sometimes. After a great night eating out and catching up with friends (you girls are the best) I went by work to grab my computer for so much needed wined down time before bed. I had actually planned on watching an episode of my favorite show Leverage. I got to work and went to find the keys that my co-worker misplaced and ran into some tenants.

I really enjoy my tenants and would spend lots of time with them if I lived at Remington. It's probably a really good idea that I don't live there. I was making my way to my car around 11:45 and walked into an even bigger group of tenants. Anyone who knows me, already knows this is trouble because I am very social especially with people I know and like. Five minutes at work had already turned into an hour and it didn't look to be ending any time soon.

Before I knew it my tenants were asking, no daring me to jump into the pool. I was dressed is a collared shirt and jeans and started taking my keys out of my pocket and my phone off my belt. At that point they still didn't think I was actually going to do it. Next thing they knew my flip flops were on the ground and I was running full bore toward the pool. I jumped in, fully clothed glasses and all! It felt wonderful.

My tenants really love when I do stuff like that. I think it surprises them sometimes how crazy can be. I have two kids and a husband under my belt (ex-husband) and so they sometimes think I am older than I am. It surprises most of them to find out that I am not much older than they are.

I love surprising people and getting wet. Tonight was the perfect combination.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Update on life

Wow! It feels like forever since I wrote anything on my blog. Probably because it has been forever. So much has happened! Where do I start.

I got Keefe completely registered for Kindergarten. It is so weird to think that I have a child old enough to start school. He is so excited too. He knows it just after his birthday that school starts so he asks me everyday "mommy is tomorrow my birthday?" He actually started crying today on the way home from daycare because his birthday is "taking too long". He is my sensitive kid and make me laugh at least once a day with how he over reacts to everything. I have know idea where that came from....J/K He's just like his mom.

Kaden started walking this weekend! Big news I know! He still wont walk at daycare which I think is funny. I think he is afraid of getting knocked down by the other kids in his class. Unlike his brother Kaden is one of the smallest kids in class so he gets picked on quite a bit. He did walk to me to go home today so that was fun for the afternoon teachers. I'll have to try again in the morning so the morning teachers can see it too. It is so cute. He holds his arms out like he is walking on a tight rope and takes the smallest little "baby steps" you could imagine. But once he gets started you see his confidence build and he quits thinking about it and then he can really move. I know that in a week from now I'll be complaining that I can't keep up with him and that he is running the halls at church.

It's funny really. We spend the first 2-3 years of our children's lives teaching them how to walk and talk and the rest of there lives telling them to sit down and shut up. Ironic isn't it. And for those of you who don't have walkers and talkers just wait.

I guess my last bit of exciting news is that my divorce is final. The judge signed the papers today so mark it on your calendar. I got married on the 5th of August 2003 and divorced on July 15th 2009. It would have been really funny if the Judge had waited until the 5th of August to sign. Then we would have been married for 6 years officially.

I can't believe how relieved i am to be done with it all. I have come full circle in my life. From being a "molly mormon" to a hell raiser back to an active member (not quite so molly mormon though) There are still of few areas of my life that I need to work on but it will come one day at a time. I don't know if I will ever be the same person I was in high school but I know that I will be the best I can be now. Life experience has changed me and I understand now what is really important and I don't waste my time "sweating the small stuff". I don't care what other people think of me anymore. I am happy with me and the rest will come.

I think that is all for today so LATE!