Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas has come and gone. It is amazing to me how much preparation goes into to one day each year. We spend hours preparing food and wrapping presents to have it all be over is a matter of minutes. But in the end to see the smiles on the face of my loved ones when they taste the food or unwrap there presents.

Santa was very good to us this year. There were two separate occasions when gifts were anonymously left on our porch. Once just for the kids and the last time for me and mom as well. That is two years in a row that we have had surprise presents on my porch. I remember a time when I was able to do that for other people and now it happens to me. I am humbled and grateful to whom ever left those really made the boys Christmas.

New Years is coming soon and so a new start. I hope that things go better in 2010 then they did in 2009. Only time will tell I guess.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Hello world! It's been a while since my last post but I wanted to get my Christmas wishes and family update posted. This last year has been anything but perfect but we have survived it and hope to have a better 2010. A year full of lots and ups and downs.

Keefe is 5 years old going on 30. He has such and old soul and a great understanding of the world around him and expresses himself far beyond his years. He started Kindergarten and is doing well is school. All of his classmates like him and he is progressing every day. He loves being a big brother and is just about the best big brother on the planet.
He loves to play with Kaden and help me take care of him. He is always willing to show Kaden how to do things he isn't good at yet and sharing his toys.

Kaden is by far my handful. He is so mischievous. I ask him not to do something and he gives me this side ways look and continues to push it to see how far he can go before mommy gets really mad. It is terrible but also so cute. It's a struggle not to laugh at him when I am trying to drive home a point.
He absolutely loves Football and enjoys watching the entire game with me and Grandma on Sunday and Monday Nights. He throws his hands in the air when you say touchdown and gets a huge smile on his face. He is talking more and more everyday and has the most infectious laugh i have ever heard. You can't help but smile and join in when that little bundle of spit fire starts to laugh.

This year has been the bumpiest for me this year but I am hanging in there and surviving. I still haven't found a job since getting fired in September but I am trying my hand at Network Marketing with Donald Trump. It is slow starting but kind of like a snow ball rolling down hill.
I am happy and have my health so I have no place to go but up from here. I have made some great friends in my on-line dating quest and hope to continue allowing those friendships blossom.

I guess that is everything I had to say so Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone. I hope your holidays are full of love and happiness!