Sunday, June 14, 2009

Kaden Turned 1!!!!!

Yesterday, my little boy turned one year old. I can't believe it has been a year already. My how time flies. The party was a lot of fun. All my closest friends and family came. I was so glad my two best friends from Ogden could drive down. It was fun to see Audrey, my friend Nicole's baby. She is adorable.

Kaden has to be the cutest thing on two feet next to his older brother. Yes, call me prejudice I love my boys. It was fun to see Kaden open his present. He was a little timid at first but once he got the hang of pulling the paper and hearing his favorite rip sound and realized he WASN'T getting in trouble for tearing paper for a change he was all in. I don't know about what he wanted but he got everything I wanted.

My grandparents gave him a ride and walk. It's one of those things they can ride on and then it converts to a walker. He likes walking more that riding. Big surprise there. His older brother Keefe, gave him a glow worm. I had one of those when I was a kid and remember sleeping with it until I was nine or so. He got so much he didn't know quite what to play with.

The best part was the cake. Oh My Gosh!! I didn't think anything could be so funny!! Again he started out timid but once he got a taste of the frosting it was handfuls at a time. We were all laughing so hard. Then, when he tried to get up and crawl across the room, I said, "Kaden, no no." cause we didn't want frosting all over the carpet so he sat down right on the cake!!! Let me tell you if you have a child that is about to turn one, get them a cake they can destroy, IT IS WORTH IT!!! Plus, if you go to your local Albertson's and tell them you need a cake for a one year old it's free.

Well I guess that is all for now. I will post pictures as soon as I get them developed. I couldn't find the charge for my camera and had to use plain old film!

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