Friday, June 12, 2009

lets get started.

I have decided to try and do this blog in an effort to stay in better touch with those close to me. It is a way we can share thoughts, quotes, funny things and photos. I will try to update this on a weekly basis so you can all share in what is going on in my life.

To catch up anyone who doesn'tknow already....I am getting a divorce. We should have all the paper work filied by the 18th and the divorce will hopefully be finial by the middle of July. For anyone who is interested in my side. I can try to explain why I have made this decision.

After we went to the temple it just seemed like Matt's heart wasn't into living the gospel life he had coventened to live. He was still smoking and trying to hide it from me and just not living the way he should. I won't go into too much detail because this blog was not designed to bash him. Needless to say I realized the gap between us is just too much to breach.

I know that people are disappointed in me for making Matt leave even when he didn't have place to go to. We had agreed at the begining of May that he would be out by the end of the month. He had almost 30 full days to find a place to live but he would come home from work and sleep and not take whatever he could find. It had to be a house, not an apartment. I understand that he is not happy in an apartment but it could have worked for a temporary solution instead of living in hotels and out of his bronco.

Please do not blame me for the position he finds himself in. It was his choices that got him where he is and I refuse to take the blame.

I will try and post some pictures tomorrow. Pease to you all for the night.

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