Thursday, February 18, 2010

Watching history happen

Can I just say how very exciting the Olympics are. I don't care if its the summer or the winter games, they are both amazing. What other time in our lives to we get to watch history as it happens, in a good way that is. I mean everyday we can turn on the TV and see war, tragedy and pain that will go down in the history books but only once every two years do we get to watch the best part of history. The kind of history where we see people beat all odds and achieve their goals and dreams. Where we cheer when they succeed and the whole world seems to forget the worry and the war and the pain and the anger and come together for a few day of peace and healthy competition. Wouldn't it be amazing if in stead of fighting wars we battled out our differences in a game of Ice Hockey or Basketball...winner takes all. Think of all the lives we would save!

Tonight I got to witness history. Even Lysacek, won a Gold Medal in the Men's Figure Skating event. It was the first time any man has won the World Championships and Olympic Gold since Scott Hamilton in 1984 and he was the first American man to win gold in figure skating since 1988. They will talk about tonight for years and years to come and I was lucky enough to watch it as it happened. I sat on the edge of my seat (ok so it was more like laid on the edge of the couch) and held my breath during his free skate tonight. Hoping and praying that he would skate clean and land his jumps and his program was amazing. The others came out to skate and it was clear to me that they just didn't have the same fire and determination as Even as they skated. At the end of the night, when the scores were posted I watched as he celebrated with his coach and family and then as he received his Gold Medal. It is an amazing witness to me that if you put everything you have into what you love you can succeed. I hope we can all take a page from Even as we strive to achieve our dreams, and that we can remember the only person who will prevent you from achieving your dreams is YOU!

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